Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Looking For Photography & Videography Services in Malaysia ?

When you looking for Photography and Videography Services in malaysia in no easy task. There are plenty out there for you choose from and all come down to your budget wise. We started of with Videography services then not long after, due to high demand from our valuable client we provide photography service as part of our core services. We as a Photo & Video Pro­duc­tion Com­pany in Malaysia are known as the Art with Pas­sion and ser­vices for Photo & Video Cap­tur­ing, Edit­ing, Mas­ter­ing into dif­fer­ent media as well as deliv­er­ing a fin­ished goods to client’s. Cor­po­rate Sem­i­nar, Lead­er­ship Work­shop, Product’s Launch­ing & Promo, Com­pany Train­ing & Moti­va­tion Pro­gram, Wed­ding, Cou­ple Anniver­sary Cel­e­bra­tion and Pri­vate party. You Name it, We Doc­u­mented it.

Back in 2004, we raise our flag, Cineboy Digi­me­dia Pro­duc­tion in Malaysia from a Team of Craze, Enthu­si­ast, Provoca­tive Imag­i­nary Pho­tog­ra­pher & Videographer. As Photo & Video Pro­duc­tion Com­pany can be dis­tinct as “not only the sur­face prac­tices of shoot­ing and edit­ing but also it pro­vides the details of video illus­tra­tion as well as han­dling the work­flows. If event are prop­erly planned as well as orga­nized in the way to dis­tin­guished flaw­less to make sure that the pro­ce­dure is a fault­less one, and the final-result is as visu­al­ized & documented.

Photography Portrait When we took up Photography or Videography jobs from you regard­less, Wed­ding & Cor­po­rate Event you spend weeks up to months plan­ning to make it per­fect and before you know or appre­ci­ate it all is in his­tory. All that left is lit­tle here and there recall­ing from mem­o­ries from that day. We believe you wanted to rejoice that moment in time at the com­fort of your sofa or exec­u­tive chair with­out that busy moment. Every event deserve to be doc­u­mented to bring back mem­o­ries of how things were at a point in time.

Artistry, generic angle of cap­tur­ing, edit­ing or pro­cess­ing tech­niques with spe­cific tools is vital for us. Because of this the Photo & Video pro­duc­tion is called as the process of cap­tur­ing still or mov­ing images on an elec­tronic media. And we are the Team who know you WHAT’s and do you WHAT’s. Puz­zle? We are the Team who know what you want and do & deliv­ery the best of what you want.

Brian & Ellen Photo Montage from on Vimeo.

This is just a Blog of our Company, if you are looking for more wedding Videography or Photography samples click  <  <   H  E  R  E   >  >  to find out more. We try our very to keep updating most of our Photo & Video sample on our Official Site.


Photographer NathanSimpson
Photographer DirkFranke
Photographer Gallery
Photography Static
Photography National
Videography VideoMaker
Video Bonetti
Video Tom's
IQ Videography
Wikipedia Videography